What do you call a committee of emo kids? A cutting board!
My friend told me an emo joke once, and I said, "Emo jokes aren't funny, cut it out!"
Have you ever heard of emo pizza?
It cuts itself!
Me: Sorry I couldn’t make it to school yesterday, I had an appointment.
Teacher: What kind of appointment?
Me: I had an appointment with a cut day. 😈😈😈
True story.
Someone asked me what the lines on my wrist were from, I answered “my cat has ocd”
I told my dad I was self harming. The next day we talked about it and he said, "Hey you should CUT it out." It was funny but I couldn't bring myself to laugh at that.
How do you get your grass to cut itself?
Make it depressed.
What’s the difference between an emo and grass? The grass doesn’t cut itself :D
What do you call a piece of tech that acts emo?
Cutting-edge Technology.
I was in school yesterday and I saw this emo kid with a new cut, so I said, "I like ya cut g." And I slapped him. I don't know why I got in so much trouble. All I did was slap his wrist.
If you don't like my suicidal jokes, sorry man, didn't know it cut that deep.
I downloaded Fruit Ninja so I can cut fruit instead of myself.
Did you hear about the new emo pizza? It cuts itself.
How to complement a depressed person: "I like your cuts, g."
Do you know why I wish grass was emo? So it can cut itself.
"what's that on your wrist?"
"I'm a cutting board. duh"
Person 1: Stop making suicidal jokes!
Person 2: Okay, okay, I’ll cut it out.
Person 1: Really?
Person 2: They're not even that deep.
Rape can happen to anybody, so I think I will continue taking the short cut home through the dark alleyways, wearing barely anything and walk really close to bushes.
Emo jokes are not funny, so cut it out.
- The emo went to give the tree a high five, but the emo was left hanging.
- How did the gay person die? Homicide.
- Why did the emo get kicked out of the amusement park? He was cutting in line.
- When does a joke turn into a dad joke? When it leaves and never comes back.
- I cried when my dad chopped onions. Onions was such a good dog.
- I have happy memories building sandcastles with my dad, until my mom took his urn away.
- How is the person over there different from cancer? His dad didn't beat cancer.