What's the only thing with 4 legs Asians don't eat? A table.
what is a cannibals favorite type of pizza?
Did you hear about the new Chinese food? It is called: “Wuhan Fried Bats”!
What restaurant does Africa own? M.T Bellies
I would like to complain about the new sushi restaurant at Gatwick Airport. Although there were large portions going round on the conveyor, they did taste a bit like luggage.
In a proud, boastful voice, Gemma told the old Chinese woman who was babysitting her that onions were the only food that could make you cry. The woman nodded and said that was true enough. They continued eating for a while. This is really good! the little girl exclaimed. What's this meat! The old lady replied with: well there was a brown dog in your yard that wouldn't stop yapping.
What’s a Cannibals Favorite Food?
What did the chef on the titanic scream as he tried to finish the dishes- "oh no the sink sank!"
What Is China's favorite restaurant
The Pet Store
When you can’t have Chinese food because you don’t have any pets,
Just eat African food, you have plenty of neighbors!
Q: What is a Mexicans favorite restaurant??
A: On the border
Me: have you ever tried african food
You: no
Me: they haven't either
I ate the last of my Egyptian food and now I falafel. I don't know why I made that joke. Probably just becuscus.
Have you ever had Ethiopian food?
Don't worry nether have they.
New Orleans cuisine has always been my favorite, however I only eat gumbo on oc-cajun.
Would you like to try African food?
They would too.
Have you ever tried North Korean food?
Neither have the North Koreans.
Why do the French eat snails?
They don't like fast food.