Did you hear about the Italian chef who died?
He pasta-way.
What did Queen Lettuce say to her greens?
Lettuce eat Brussels!
Did you hear about the fish and chips? The fish got battered, the chips got salted.
What do you get if you cross hot wheels, hot legs? Hehe.
In a proud, boastful voice, Gemma told the old Chinese woman who was babysitting her that onions were the only food that could make you cry. The woman nodded and said that was true enough.
They continued eating for a while. "This is really good!" the little girl exclaimed. "What's this meat?"
The old lady replied with: "Well, there was a brown dog in your yard that wouldn't stop yapping."
What’s a Cannibals Favorite Food?
What did the French Fry 🍟 say to the Hamburger 🍔?
I guess that’s a wrap!
What do people often say in a cold Mexican kitchen?
Waiter says, "Sir, we ran out of ranch, so I had the boys in the back improvise. But don't worry... It has even more zip & twang to it!"
What do you call a digital hamburger? Processed meat.
What do you call a pig that knows karate?