Why was the chef embarrassed?
He saw the salad dressing.
Why was the chef embarrassed?
He saw the salad dressing.
What did the chef say to the skeleton? "BONE Apetit!"
I was cutting the vegetables and my mom asked how I was so skillful.
I called the Chinese takeaway yesterday. A man picked up the phone and said: "Hello! I am Wan Kin, the chef." I said that I'll come back later.
I took my girlfriend to a Chinese restaurant. One hour after ordering, I went to ask the chef what was going on. That was until I heard barking from the kitchen.
Why does Michael Jackson like Chef Boyardee? He likes the little balls.
Im not chef but boyardees days getting harder and harder to get through
What does Michael Jackson and Chef from South Park have in common?
They both say "Hello children!"