A couple enters a Chinese restaurant. Took their seats. The waiter asked ‘Xiang Chi Shen Ma’ and the wife said ‘Chi Ji Ba’
What you breathe in is called oxygen, otherwise known as, "African food".
I breathe in African food.
Curry must hurry.
What's a cannibal's favourite drink?
A Bloody Mary.
How does a cannibal like his meat?
If you put ice cream on the nutty brownie, you’re serving it a la mode.
What kind of games do they play in Africa? The hunger games.
When you are eating delicious street food in China and you ask the chef: You: "Is this chicken?" Chef: "No, its meow meow."
What's the only thing with 4 legs Asians don't eat? A table.
What is a cannibal's favorite type of pizza?
What do Mexicans cut their pizza with? A Little Caesars.
What do they feed a gorilla in Paris?
Ape Suzettes.
Did you hear about the new Chinese food? It is called: “Wuhan Fried Bats”!
What restaurant does Africa own? M.T Bellies
I would like to complain about the new sushi restaurant at Gatwick Airport. Although there were large portions going round on the conveyor, they did taste a bit like luggage.
What do Greek people never want to have on their food? Grease.