I wonder if Stephen Hawking was an organ donor, because I need new parts for my go-kart.
I used to be a man in a woman’s body. And then I was born.
Don't listen to people when they say you have a dad bod. you don't. You have a father figure
When your boy tries to have a bad day while you're on your period:
Oh you have a cold? How rude of me. I just laid an egg and now my body is ripping down the walls of my uterus. But can I get you a tissue?
Yo momma so fat that she could fit the entire map of the world on her body.
Did you see that car crash today where the guy got the entire left side of his body cut off? He's all right now
Unbelievable! When doctors touch my body, it’s alright, but if I do the same to some lady, apparently it’s "harassment!"
Your mamma is so fat that she has a gravitational pull.
What do skeletons do with their organs?
They organize them!
How do you make a body disappear?
You use an axe, black plastic bags, a forest, a shovel, and some ice cream because killing someone and chopping them up and digging holes in the ground and putting dirt over them is a lot of hard work!
P.S., I'm joking and don't condone these actions.
Your momma's so fat, she had to take a selfie using the Hubble telescope.
If your nose runs and your feet smell, you are probably built upside down.
What is the difference between a detective company and a man with eyes on his butt?
One has a private eye, and the other has eyed privates.
What's a cow's strongest part of their body?
Their "calves"!
When I throw a dodge ball at a person taller than me, it's always a nut shot.
When I aim this trigger, it all goes red.
Do you have a bounty 'cause you got a "M" on your head?
What is the last thing that goes through a suicide bomber's mind?
His arse.
Why can’t balls move? Because no one is there to voice them around.
Yo body so plastic that a turtle could choke on your peeled skin!
Gay dik.
Smol Dik.
Plastik Dik.
Rubeh Dik.
Smooth Dik.
Metahl Dik.