Every time there's a family reunion, a baby is born 9 months later.
I'm still not sure how I'm not in jail or have been fined for littering. When I was born, I was born in a hospital trash can, therefore making me a literal piece of trash. That being said, any time I'm out in public, I'm a piece of litter.
I'm not saying you're ugly, but you're the reason God created miscarriages!
So, a woman gives birth to a child, and the doctor grabs it by the leg and holds it upside down. Then, he starts swinging it around the room, slamming it into the furniture. The mother tries to get up and starts screaming and crying, “Let my baby go, you sick bastard!” The doctor looks at the mother and stops swinging the baby. He is holding it by the left leg and starts chuckling, “I’m just kidding, it was already dead.”
Yo mama so old, her birth certificate expired.
So, Satan is in the delivery room having a child.
Soon, a feathered creature comes out. "Doctor," says Satan, "What is it?"
The doctor sighs. "Well, it's not a boy, and it's not a girl."
Satan looks frustrated. "THEN WHAT IS IT?!?!?"
The doctor looks up. "It's a goose."
At first, I was a boy trapped in a girl's body, then I was born.
I was gonna say when you were born your mum saw you and screamed, but I remembered you were adopted...
Yo mama so ugly, when she was born, the doctor tried to put her back in.
What's the difference between your birth and 9/11?
One was planned.
What do you get when you mix birth control and LSD?
A trip without kids.
My dad told me that his dreams were shattered a few years ago.
Then I asked him how many years ago.
He replied with, "When were you born?"
All normal-sized babies are delivered by stork.
Heavier babies are delivered by crane.