
Bike Jokes

How did Jesus kill himself?

He fell from his bike

How many times did he die?

Once on a bike and once when he fell from a cloud in heaven

Billy got a bike and a soccer ball for his birthday from his uncle, but he was very upset. Why? Because he has no legs.

a kid named timmy said to his dad that he had sex with his teacher and his dad was proud of him and gave him a bike and the kid said i cant use it my butt hurts

Jonny went to school one day and later that day his dad got a call saying he needs to pick up his son because he had had sex with a teacher. When Jonny got home his dad was so happy he went out to the store and bought him a bike. When they bought the bike Jonny was offered to ride the bike but he declined it and replied with my butt still hurts.

A policeman just knocked on my door and told me my dogs are chasing people on bikes. That’s ridiculous! My dogs don’t even own bikes!

My dog used to chase people on a bike a lot. It got so bad, finally I had to take his bike away.

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