
Best Jokes

“My Mum told me the best time to ask my Dad for anything was during sex. Not the best advice I’d ever been given. I burst in through the bedroom door saying, ‘Can I have a new bike?’ He was very upset. His secretary was surprisingly nice about it. I got the bike.”

I asked my boyfriend who his favorite motivational speaker was. He said Andrew tate. I told him the BEST motivational speaker was Stephen hawking.

Today Me and My Best friend went to the Grand Canyon. He was taking up all the space by the edge and i told him to back up, R.I.P to him.

A Mario & Luigi joke What are the Mario bros' view on child support?

Mario: the parents are obligated to provide for the child and help them the best they could.


Why do physically challenged gay men suck dick better than females who are able-bodied and heterosexual? Because physically challenged gay men do it best 👏 🙌 👍👍 👌 👌 💪 💪 🥰 😊 😃 😄 😁 😍 💖 ❤️ 💖 ❣️ 💕 💘

Kid 1: Guys, stop making 9-11 jokes. My dad died in 9-11. Kid 2: Sorry, I didn't know. Kid 1: He was the best fighter pilot in all of Saudi Arabi.