
Baby Jokes

What's the difference between a baby and a watermelon?

One screems when you out it in a blender and the other one is a cooperative little fruit.

I have a better method of abortion than currently used. It's like a regular one, except you can get free food out of it...we're about to give baby-back ribs a whole new meaning.

Yesterday, I was babysitting this woman's child. Everything was going perfectly. I got hungry and called the mother. I asked if she wanted the baby back ribs I was cooking but she said she didn't want any. When she arrived she started screaming and ran to her child. I don't see why she was so upset, she said she didn't want any.

What do you call blue and orange at the bottom of a pool

-a baby with flat armbands-


What's the difference between a Doberman Pinscher and a Social Worker? Eventually, you can get a baby back from a Doberman Pinscher.

What's the difference between a new born baby and an orphan after a rugby match?

They both come out bloody and crying, but least one gets picked up.