What's the difference between Jesus and a dead, naked baby.
I don't worship Jesus.
What's the difference between Jesus and a dead, naked baby.
I don't worship Jesus.
What goes pop pop sizzle sizzle? Two dead babies in an acid bath
How do you make a baby cry?
You run over it with a lawn mower.
A woman visits the doctor as she has some abdominal pains and suspects she may be pregnant. After her examination, the doctor comes out to see her: “Well, I hope you like changing nappies/diapers”.
She replies: “Oh my god am I pregnant, am I pregnant!?”
To which he responds: “No, you’ve got bowel cancer.”
When a "Baby on Board" sticker is a little faded and beat up, you know the kid is at least a year old, and the car is safe to ram
I was going to tell a joke about babys but i decided to abort
What is blue and wiggling on my floor? A baby in a bag
whats the differnece between a baby and a trampoline. the trampoline doesnt cave in when i jump on it
What is worse to have - a dead baby or dead Santa Claus? Santa. You need extra freezers for reindeer.
I can't decide which side to take on abortion; on one hand it kills babies and on the other it gives women a choice ...
What's the difference between a rock and a dead baby?
You can't fuck a rock