what do you call a student in space? a astrodent
What did the bones on the moon tell the astronaut?
The cow never made it
Where can you find a list of dead astronauts? In the orbituaries.
Why did Jerry fall off the moon?
Because he got hit by a fridge.
What do you call a guy who has sex on the Moon?
An “Astronut”
What is an astronauts favourite letter on a keyboard?
Battery 1%
I take one last look at earth as my suit runs out of power
NASA stands for nobody already seen astronauts
Why the cow wanted to be an astronaut?Because it wanted to see the Milky Way!
what's a astronaut's favrite game? space-ball!
What kind of candy do astronauts eat in space? Mars bars
How do you put a baby astronaut to sleep?
You rocket!
What planets do Astronauts like to pee on?
(Say this out loud and it will make more sense)
can we have a party in space? .... First we need to planet ;) get it plan it = planet
What's the difference between Neil Armstrong and Michael Jackson? Neil Armstrong was the first man to walk on the moon and Michael Jackson likes little boys.
If dustys dad from home daddy 2 was in nasa How come he is not famous
What do you call it when Neil Armstrong Started cuming in space.
The Milky Way
Your forehead is big the moon landing was there
What were the astronauts' last word before the shuttle blew up? what does this button do....
What was the first animal in space?
The cow that jumped over the moon!