
9/11 Jokes

i met a girl that was 6-5 and she fell on 9/11 and broke her arm, she really said ohh snap like a twin tower

Today is the day of 9/11 and we were in class making jokes and somebody said that’s sad and I was like why and they said “ today is the day the towers went down” and I said just like I did on you mum last night


Me traveling back in time to tell Americans there will be a big tsunami on 9/11/2001, and to survive it they have to climb the two tallest buildings in New York

A white dude walks up to a muslim and says "so you're an indian?" and the muslim says "no brotha, i'm not 7 eleven i'm 9/11"


There was a math teacher on a plane that crashed. What was the last thing that went through their head?

A pentagon!

(9/11 joke)