What's Osama Bin Laden's favorite drink?
A Double Manhattan.
What's Osama Bin Laden's favorite drink?
A Double Manhattan.
Why were the twin towers actually twins?
Their birth and death date are the same!
What is a terrorist's DJ name?
Osama Spin Laden.
Dropping beats like the Twin Towers.
What's the twin towers' favorite football team?
New York Jets.
Why were the Twin Towers mad? Because they ordered pepperoni but instead they got... Plane.
Has anybody noticed that the New York City football team is the New York Jets? They sure know how to scare the Twin Towers.
Why were the Twin Towers mad?
Because they bought a pepperoni pizza, but they got plane.
What kinda pizza did the twin towers order? Two plains
They say there is strength in numbers. Tell that to the people in the World Trade Center.
My family was watching Home Alone 2, so whenever Kevin was at the top of the Twin Towers, I threw a paper airplane at the T.V.
It was a blast to visit the twin towers on 9/11 on exactly 8:46 a.m. it was the bomb...like literally
What's the difference between China and New York City?
In China, the Asians ride ON the trains. In New York City, they usually end up riding UNDER them.
Tried making 9/11 jokes, but none of it kept falling apart.