Stop making 9/11 jokes, my father died in a plane crash.
Best pilot in Saudi Arabia.
I don't like 9/11 jokes because they always talk about how bad of a plane driver my dad is
bro stop u guys r saying the same jokes over and over if ur gonna tell a 9/11 joke just go lagh about the great thumps
I think Paul Walker and 9/11 jokes are great, but when I tell them to others, they tend to crash and burn.
Stop making 9/11 jokes. They don't land so well.
I guess making 9/11 jokes at the airport is better then shouting he’s got a gun at the airport
C'mon guys, 9/11 jokes are just plane wrong.
I don't like making 9/11 jokes because every joke about 9/11 I make has a tendency to crash and burn
My teacher got so made at me for making 9/11 jokes, she hit me twice and i said “damn, got hit twice”