"9/11" or just "7-Eleven" to a Mexican person.
The best way to tell a Hindu person and a Muslim person apart is asking them, "Are you 7-Eleven or 9/11?"
The best way to tell Hindu person and a Muslim person part is asking them Are you 7-Eleven Or 9/11
My great grandfather died in 9/11.
He was such a good pilot.
Why does 9/11 only get a day, but Pride gets an entire month?
Because pride is a bigger tragedy.
Tons of people committed suicide on 9/11 by destroying government property.
Not to mention and by plane.
I just watched a 9/11 documentary on a plane. Man next to me said, "You know we're going to New York, right?" I told him I just wanna know what I got into.
Why was 10 so scared? Because he was in the middle of 9 11
It was women driving the planes for 9/11.
What's the last thing to go through the minds of 9/11 victims?
Their kneecaps.
What is a pedophiles favourite age range? 9 11
I guess making 9/11 jokes at the airport is better than shouting "He's got a gun!" at the airport.
Stop with the 9/11 jokes.
They're not gonna fly.
Why are 9/11 victims the fastest readers in the world? Because they went through 90 stories in just 10 seconds!
I'd make a 9\11 joke, but they always crash and burn.
What is the difference between a cow and 9/11?
You can’t milk a cow for 15 years.
Why are Americans so bad at Clash Royale?
They already lost two towers.
My mother-in-law would have been on one of the planes that crashed on 9/11.
Had I known in advance, I would have bought her the ticket.
Why is 10 afraid?
Because he next to 9 and 11.
I would tell a 9/11 joke but it would probably go up in flames