I think Paul Walker and 9/11 jokes are great but when I tell them to others they tend to crash and burn
What's the problem with 9/11 jokes? They are just two plane
I visited the 9/11 memorial, that was bomb just like the towers
I'm pretty sure that 9/11 was the biggest game of Jenga ever recorded in history
So 6 is scared of 7 because 7,8,9, but why did 10 have PTSD?
He was stuck in the middle of 9/11
A police man once said I will never forget 9/11 I said I hope not that’s your phone number
People joke about 9/11, but its not funny My dad died in 9/11
Best pilot in Saudia Arabia
Who are the fastest readers in the world?
9/11 victims, they went through 80 stories in 7 seconds. In case you didn't see that one coming, don't feel bad, they didn't either
Why does 9/11 only get a day but Pride gets an entire month? Because pride is a bigger tragedy.
I hate jokes about 9/11... every joke has the tendency to crash and burn.
"I didn't get the joke at first but then it hit me like a plane," the joke was so dark a cop almost shot it.
guys we should not make fun of 9/11 like that stuff is just plane out crazy like you all should not let that fly
Me: Calls 9-1-1 Operator: 9/11 what’s your emergency? Me: *hangs up*
I'd make 9/11 jokes but they'd just crash and burn.
proof that 9/11 isnt a government plot
it worked
roses are red violets are violets my dad died in 9/11 and he was a good piolet
Q: How do you make a 9/11 cocktail?
A: Light two Manhattans on fire and then knock them over.
I just watched a 9/11 documentary on a plane Man next me said you know we’re going to New York right I told him I just wanna know what I got into
(Best pick-up line ever) Your body is like 9/11 I wanna crash into your twin towers😏
I have a pen I have an Apple um Apple pen The taliban had a plane the US had a building boom 9/11
What’s worse than George Bush doing 9/11? Jeffrey Epstein doing nine Elevens.