
Year Jokes

One random youtube comment in 2018: Soon, A virus will come to earth A year later: Pahahahahah that comment is fake lmaoooo ahahahha Another year later: Time to die a painful death. Another year later: God has come with the cure

I don't know why everyone cares so much about 3D printers. I've had a Canon printer for years.

A woman prayed to be a mother everyday for many years until she crossed a road without looking and got hit by a woman driver and died. When she met God she asked Him how come you didnt answer my prayers? God replied 'i did, i kept sending men to rape you but you kept on choosing to destroy my creations by having an abortion'


A 10 year old girl meets with her doctor. The doctor tells her “Katie, I’m sorry to have to tell you that your parents didn’t survive the accident. Sadly, our tests also show that you have early onset Alzheimer’s disease.” Katie replies “well at least my parents will look after me”

What do you call a Down syndrome kid who has been physically abused by older teenagers and her parents for a total of 16 years and has red marks all over there body?

Not funny because Down syndrome jokes aren't funny ;)

What's the best thing about taking a shower with a 12 year old Philippino girl? If you slick her hair back she looks 10.

A father of a young girl comes and meet the doctor. Father : Doctor...... How is my daughter's report ? Doctor : Congrats..... Your daughter is pregnant. Father : WTF ?????? Mt daughter is 10 years old and unmarried.

I found a child on the street homeless and they were really nice so I took them Ho,e then I said who's better Biden or trump they said they support trump they r now dead in my basement and have been for 3 years

Girl:Can we visit Grandma this weekend Mother: Sure five year old: Look mommy! Two People and they're wearing rope necklaces!