
Wheres Jokes

Prince???? Where are you you??? I might have to go to bed for real, but I just wish we could talk at night. Why don't we any way? (I love you so much)

hi i.............................................................................................................. sorr y my cat t f my cat touched my computtter i dont know where how to deleete. the joe is the joke is that f if you if jj sorry its har d to type the joke is that if y if you

if you i taking a cap if you if if you take a cap off a bottle is it decaptai decapit j decapti decapitation soryr guys sorry guys its g h its a aha h h a ah ah a hard word to spell

where do whales get weighed......... the whalewaystation bants ahahahahahahahahahahhahahahashahahhhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah

i got banana nut bread for you

oh no the nuts are missing

oh i found them

you know where they are?


The Egyptian god of sun name is KA

My friend : Where does the sun god go to get a shoe

Me : In a Ka-boot sale :D

Friend : What would happen when someone stole the shoe?

Me : Call The Police Ka !!!