Why was the rapper always late?
Because he had to drop his kids off at the Rhyme Bus.
Sully: Praised after landing in the Hudson River.
Garuda Indonesia 421:
Sully's co-pilot:
I remember my first day back when working at a camp. I was so surprised when the trains arrived.
When you got on an airplane, the flight attendant asked which hairline you were flying with.
Why did the blind man cross the road?
Don't ask me, he can't even see where he's going.
A "monster" that has 2 heads, 2 bodies, 6 feet, why am I not afraid of the "monster"? It's my dad riding a horse.
When your mum went to the UK and wore a yellow jacket, everyone started yelling "Taxi! Taxi!"
Do you know why people in wheelchairs don’t pay for them?
Because they have to pay for road tax.
What's the difference between an orange?
A hippopotamus riding a four-door motorcycle.
"What's the wifi password?"
"It's not working."
"What wifi are you trying to connect to?"
"The United Airline."
"We're in the World Trade Center, though."