Here comes the plane... the twins. ☠️
Blind people driving on the highway would be the world's biggest, and shortest game of bumper cars!
What is the difference between runners and my car?
My car is still running.
My crush rejected me 2 years ago, and I still have never moved on. I'll be over her when a train is over me.
Which train is loaded with bubble gum?
A chew-chew train.
If a fat person were to go on a flying car, it will just be at the ground. When they exit, it will just fly up.
You are so fat that when you wear a yellow raincoat, a running person behind you shouted, "Taxi!"
Why did the frog take the bus to work today?
His car got toad away.
What’s the difference between a Mercedes and a Skoda?
Princess Di wouldn’t be seen dead in the back of a Skoda...
I saw a bus the other day with some boy scouts at the back. One of them was having fun getting his knot-tying badge.
How many times does 50 fit into 9?
Get in a van and find out!
What did the frog do when his car broke down?
It was toad.
A girl in my class started barking, and I yelled out, "Furry!" Everyone started laughing at her, and I felt bad. After school, I asked to drive her home, and one the way there I apologized and then told her to count down from 10 - 1. Before she said one, I yelled, "THERE CAN BE ONLY ONE!" then I jumped out the car.
My departed uncle was a circus clown before he died.
So all his friends came in one car.
What’s yellow and can’t swim?
A bus full of children.
Have you heard about the canoe sale down the road? It was an ordeal.
Why was the sheep arrested?
Because he did a "ewe" turn on a motorway.
What time is it when you get a chance to take a car and drive all over?
Time to get in trouble!
Yo mama is like train tracks; she gets laid all around the country.
Q: Why don't cars work after you change their wheels?
A: Because they're retired!