Why are elephants scared of computers? Because of the mouse.
An HDMI cable and an electrical outlet went on a date. It didn't go well, because they couldn't connect.
How do spiders reach the internet?
Through the World Wide WEB!
I hope Stephen hawking was an organ donor cause I need some parts for my go cart
Why don't churches have WiFi? They can't compete with an invisible force that actually works
somtimes i get jeleous when my phone dies
Battery 1%
I take one last look at earth as my suit runs out of power
1979: i bet there will be "flying cars" in "the future" 2019: the flying cars future
What happens when a alien connects with your device?
The alien says on your device .-- . / - .-. .- ...- . .-.. / ..-. .-. --- -- / -- .- -. -.-- / -- .- -. -.-- / --. .- .-.. .- -..- -.-- ...
my wifi must be kobe because it crashed hard
I made a website about orphans
But I can’t make a home page
me: hey siri, did you know Candice died?
Siri: yes I was informed she died from sugondese
me: wat is dat?
Siri: sugondese nuts
There was (1) girl. She met (+5000) guys. She had sex with each of them (x7). She became... - flip screen (=).
Why is there no phone in China
To many wings to many wongs might wing wong number
What happens when Steven hawking dies?
Take his I pad to cash convertes
The moment you realize that school Kahoot! games are more competitive than the Super Bowl
I called my mom on Alexa and she told me "please take out the trash" and I said "but I can't ur not here
Two WiFi routers got married. The ceremony was OK, but the reception was amazing.
My grandfather says I’m too reliant on technology... I call him a hypocrite, and unplug his life support... 😄😆🔥👍