
Teacher Jokes

A teacher wanted to sing so she did this is what she said "you have no family, even though broker than me"

Math Teacher: "If I have 5 bottles in one hand and 6 in the other hand, what do I have?" Student: "A drinking problem.

I hope next time you ask your teacher to go to the toilet your teacher says no. But when someone else asks the teacher says yes to them.

One day at school little Jhonny was not listening so the teacher came up to him teacher: at the end of this ruler is someone dumb ,little Jhonny: miss which end where you referring to?

The kid was abit sad, so he was blue. Teacher asked him, "Why are you so blue?" The kid replied, "im not sad." Teacher said, "no ur face acually blue"

Teacher: *Reads mythological story about a cyclops

Me: Does he have one eye cause he's from an incestual family in Alabama?

When I nailed the quiz my teacher wasn't very happy. I wasn't either with all those paper cuts.


The teacher made us present a slideshow to introduce ourselves. Mine is bright and colorful with music. It was so good that a kid started dancing!

Once at school, a teacher thought I was Russian why do think that I said the teacher replied because you're reading from Right to Left

Mum finds out child cheats in math test. Mom says " there is no cheating in this house". Child " then why did you cheat with my math teacher last night? "

My science teacher was talking about natural selection. At one point she asked me to name the first person to theorize about it. I said, Eric Harris It was on his shirt.

If you don't get the joke look up Eric Harris natural selection.

Did Delaware a New Jersey? Idaho Alaska

What it actually means (Did dela wear a New Jersey? I don’t know I’ll ask her) Ps. My dad is a history teacher and he told me to put this in here

Timmy Turner- I wish the Vegan Teacher was a cheeseburger

Wanda- Ok Timmy

Timmy- Cosmo bring her to me

Cosmo- here you go Timmy

*Timmy eats Miss Kadie

i hate school, i mean why CAN'T you pull out a 12 gauge and shoot everyone including the teachers?! this generation is to soft man.