
Star Jokes

My son, who is into astronomy, asked my how stars die i said usually from a overdose

If a man is willing to try his hardest to give you the moon and stars, then ladies, you should be willing to give up Uranus.

Kid with Cancer: When I get older, I want to be a movie star or a singer.

Nure: *Laughs*

Kid: Why are you laughing?

Nurse: When I get OLDER.

Proceeds to laugh.

Dwayne “the Rock” Johnson has made a laudable, command decision to omit real firearms from his movie sets. This being the case, he ought to produce, direct and star in his next movie titled: “The Rubber Gun Squad.” 👌 😉

Yesterday I saw an orphan kid playing GTA and told him he cant get 5 stars because he ain't wanted

Husband: Honey, Do you want sex? Whife: No thanks i have a headache. Husband: Is that your final answer? Whife: Mmmmm. Husband: Are you shure? -Whife Yes Husband: No doubts? Whife: No Husband starring a long time at his whife. Husband: Okey, I wanna use my lifeline to call a friend. -

Genie: What are your 3 wishes? Me: Make every word 4 letters long. Geni: Wish Gran. Meee: Make every word star with "br". Brni: Brsh Bran. Bree: brke brer brrd brnd brth "uh" Bruh: Bruh bruh Bruh: Bruh bruh bruh Bruh: Bruh bruh