What did the Indians say to the Arabs? "We are going to make 10/12!"
Yo mama so fat when she goes to the shoe store, she needs to take their advice and get XXXXL.
What word starts with n and ends with r and you wouldn’t wanna call a Black person?
You really thought n****r, didn't you?
My favorite place to make a bonfire? Orphanages, of course, silly!
POV: When the orphan kid goes to church and they have to swear on something.
The kid: "I swear on my... friends. Oh wait, I don't have any."
Why was the Mexican scared of cold water?
It might turn into ICE.
Guns don't kill people, black people kill people.
How did the orphan operate the phone? He didn't. He didn't understand the homepage.
I was walking down the hallway at my job when I saw a kid crying.
I asked him where his parents were, and he kept crying.
Man, I love working at the orphanage.
Why did the woman cross the road?
What’s she doing out of the kitchen in the first place?
I was at a bar. The girl said, "Sex, sex, free sex tonight," when she really said, "663629."
Two guys in a car get pulled over by a cop. The cop taps the window, and the window rolls down. "Good evening, gentlemen, we're looking for two pedophiles."
The guy quickly closes the window. Ten seconds later, he lowers it again and says, "Ok, we'll do it."
I don't get why it is called abortion instead of murder.
I'm Asian and there is a saying that dogs are man's best friends. They are my best friends because they keep me from starving.
What is the best thing about being back?
Free bullets.
If certain diseases spread in water, why does Africa have them?
Communism is actually kinda tight.
Why is suicide illegal? Because it destroys government property.
What was Morgan Freeman called before the Civil War?
I have a question: Does aging affect corpses, too?
Just asking to know if I still count as a pedophile or not!