
Communism Jokes

What do you do when you get locked outside your house? You talk to the lock, because communication is key.

In communist Russia there is no discrimination. White, black, African, American, British and Asian. They all go to Gulag eventually.


Why do heterosexual men like to receive an anonymous blowjob at an adult bookstore? Because they don't want gay men and bisexual men in the LGBT community to find out that they also like getting their cocks sucked by men, but they don't want gay and bisexual men in the LGBT community to find out.

What do you call a born again heteroflexable male that is a christain nationalist who thinks he is bisexual when the LGBT community knows that he is bicurious and that he is on steroids and that the LGBT community knows that he is not telling the truth about that he is a gay man that is in the closet he should be forced out of the closet by gay men in the LGBT community by any means by necessary if gay men in the LGBT community still want to defend the wall of separation of church and state by any means necessary

An artist is commissioned to create a painting celebrating Soviet-Polish friendship, to be called "Lenin in Poland." When the painting is unveiled at the Kremlin, there is a gasp from the invited guests. The painting depicts Lenin's wife naked in bed with Leon Trotsky.

"But this is a travesty! Where is Lenin?" Asks one of the guests.

"Lenin is in Poland," replies the painter.

Old soviet joke.

"Who is your mother?" "Our great Soviet country." "Who is your father?" "Our dear comrade Stalin." "What's your greatest desire?" "Becoming an orphan."

Comments and join dumbledore's army in the community to give someone you hate permanent bad luck

πŸ€” πŸ€” πŸ€” Why did a β™Ώ why did a physically handicapped πŸ‘¨ gay man that is a sex worker received $35.00 for a blowjob from gay men in the LGBT community? because he can suck the chrome of a tail pipe 🌭 🌭 🌭 🌭 🌭 🍌 🍌 🍌 🍌 🍌

"{[(Log date) 11 22 3] The Beginning} "This marks the first ever log of the Underground Fruit Association of n&c (ugfa). N, being code name for Nathaniel, and C, being code name for Connor. Our plan is to collect as many fruit cups as possible by the end of the year. This site will be a communication hub only and used for nothing else. We will plan and discuss courses of action, and collection." End of log"

So basically Star25/AG3.0 and GG miller are the same person since I found some evidence On one post, AG3.0 asked GG miller what’s his name post right here: So gg miller replied, β€œMILLER IS MY REAL LAST NAME, AND GG IS MY REAL MIDDLE NAME” so, we already know Star25’s real name is Adrian Gorges because when he had the AG3.0 account, he said that AG stands for Adrian Gorges. And we also can back this up with his tik tok. But, there’s an important factor. Gorges can also be shortened to GG. so, we know that GG miller is AG3.0, but let’s back this up even further. If you search up adrianmiller2010, it pops up with AG3.0’s new account’s videos. Since GG Miller’s name says, β€œMiller” in it, that means that GG Miller IS ag3.0 So taking all of this evidence, we can conclude that AG3.0’s full name, which is, β€œAdrian Gorges Miller”. Lmk if you have any more things abouts ag3.0 so we can expose him even more