
Society Jokes

What’s the difference between a fetus and a jar of pickles?

The pickles aren’t as tasty in a jar.

You know the stupid trend where people say it’s ok to be overly obese? Healthy even? That you should take pride in it? Which idiots started that movement?

Well. We know one thing for sure. They were obviously members of a wider community.

What’s worse than getting a job at McDonald’s?

Not getting the job at McDonald’s.

How do you disappoint people in Africa?

Send a message saying that you’re going to send trucks full of food, water, and clothing.

But don’t follow through and send the trucks empty.

Yo mama's so fat, she was overthrown by a small militia group, and now she's known as the Republic of Yo Mama.

I recently got pulled over by the cops and started spazzing out because of the police lights.

He arrested me for impersonating George Floyd.

*I have seizures*

Do you know the best thing about killing a hooker?

Not only do you get your money back, but the second hour is free.

God, people are so sensitive these days. You can't even say, "Paint the wall black," you have to say, "Jamal, could you paint the wall?"

A guy is talking to an Indian therapist.

He had a red dot, and the American thought it was from a sniper rifle and tackled him and said, "I thought the red dot on your head was from a sniper rifle!"