What's the difference between Taco Bell and KFC?
KFC doesn't have Border Patrol agents surrounding all of its buildings right now.
What's the difference between Taco Bell and KFC?
KFC doesn't have Border Patrol agents surrounding all of its buildings right now.
How do you know a woman is blind?
Because she can’t see the kitchen or the laundry.
Tell a woman she’s beautiful a hundred times, and she won’t believe you.
Tell a woman she’s fat once, and she will remember it for the rest of her life.
This morning I was beaten up by a busty woman in an elevator.
I was staring at boobs, and she said, "Press One?"
So I did...
I don't remember much after that.
Why did the gay guy say the n word? Cos he's retarded.
Roses are red, the Jews are a cult.
I've practiced Metzitzah b'peh on adults.
What is the difference between the government and organized crime?
Only one of them is organized.
I watched a documentary about a man who grew up in the Catholic church.
It was a touching story.
How do you restrain a straight person? Give them a straight jacket.
How do you restrain a trans person? Make the trans vest tight.
Who was the most successful transgender and transracial person in history?
Michael Jackson. He grew up a poor, black boy, and died a rich, white woman.
What do slinkies and the handicapped have in common?
They are the most fun when pushed down a flight of stairs.
if ur fat and transgender, then would you be considered transfat?
Trying to find a good parking spot is a lot like trying to find a girlfriend.
If you can’t find one, you stick it in the disabled spot and hope nobody finds out.
I heard that cataracts are the third leading cause of blindness...
... the first two being politics and religion.
Times are hard at the moment for people on disability benefits. I’ve got a friend who’s a dwarf...
...and he’s struggling to put food on the table.
What do you call a nun on a wheelchair?
Virgin Mobile.
whut she diffrence betwen gorge floyd and joe biden they bout talk like they on fent