Yo forehead so big, an airplane can use that as a runway!
What do you call a psychic dwarf on the run? A small medium at large.
I wondered why the ball was getting bigger... then it hit me.
I have big balls, said the kid holding two soccer balls.
My ex-boyfriend's dick is so small that instead of giving him a handjob, I had to give him a thumb and forefinger job.
Joke 1# "Knock, knock." Who's there? "Pastur." Pastur who? "Past ur bedtime."
Joke 2# Why does a slug always win a race? Because its components always stop for a break.
Joke 3# Your momma's so fat when she stepped on the scale it said, "I asked for your weight, not your phone number."
Your mama's so fat, when she jumps in the pool, the water jumps out!
Your mum sat on a phone, and she turned it into a pancake.
When Ant-Man is the size of an atom, how can he breathe?
Two simple steps to get 15,000 people to follow you:
Step 1: Buy a bottle of water (doesn't matter the size).
Step 2: Run through Africa with that bottle of water.
Perfect! Now you got yourself half the population there following you!
What's large, grey, and doesn't matter?
An irrelephant.
Why do orphans love chips ,Because there all family sized
Uranus is huge
What is never ordered in an orphanage?
A family sized pizza!
Yo mama so fat that when the cashier at KFC asked her what size bucket she wants, she said the one on the roof.
Whats stiff and 6 inches long?
Your butt is bigger than uranus
Kyles penis is small
do you know what is good about being a orphan. every candy bar is family sized.
Yo mum is so small that when she saw the titanic she called it the size of the neatherlands