If Hillary and Biden got locked in a room together all they would talk about is how to ruin America and make a plan to steal children.
A guy with aids went into the doctors room unusually happy. You could even say he was.... HIV positive.
Riddle: i can fill a room, others can have me,but i cant be shared. what am i? Answer: Loneliness.
Why did the author go to the emergency room? -- His editor told him he needed an appendix removed.
What does Joe Biden say to young girls when he leaves the room? "Smell ya later!"
What do you call a kid laying down in the classroom Kill confermed
What do you call 3 kids laying down in the classroom Kill streak
Foxy the fox the was a careless fox she didn't care about her friend Froggy Froggy was a careful frog One day froggy dicided to teach the fox a lesson Foxy was in her bed sleeping When froggy made her room an entire mess She got up and then the mother berated her up for not cleaning her room From now she is a careful fox
one time I walked in to a room and I saw a man and a dwarf and I soon found out that the man was the dwarfs father and I noticed that the dwarf really looked up to him
How many babies does it take to paint a wall red? Depends, how hard can you throw them?
This 15 year old girl wanted a cross on her room with a long nail on the end over her bed unfortunately it killed her dad because it fell off the wall
(Do you get the joke)
(Her dad was on her and it fell and killed him)
A girl walks in the room she asks her my why's my name flower her mom said when you were born a flower fell on your head brick walks in the room jasvidnqzkdvsosbd
My friend asked me once, "Is there any religion in the world that preaches a god who masturbates in a closed room." "Islam it is."
How do you confuse a blonde? Put her in a square room and tell her to run in a circle.