guys why r we being racist, why cant we love eachother pls, gimme that dick boy, pls stop fighting, lets love eachother and them big ole dicks pls, gimme that dick, i hate racism
What is the email password of a black person?
bread is racist
someone in my class described the KKK as ghosts with pointy hats... I mean, he's not wrong
What's white with black spots? A cotton field from above.
"I told my black friend a joke. I told him he needs to lighten up!"
I'm not racist, but the Ku Klux Klan look all the same to me.
My black friend told me to stop making racist jokes...
...I told him to lighten up.
"I'm going to sue Disney. Not enough racism" -Grizzy
What did the Chinese couple name their retarded baby?
Sum Ting Wong.
Im black when a a cop see's me he shoots
Why do black men have nightmares?
because the only one that had a dream got shot.
*trigger alert* why did the racist cop shut down the space brothel because there were too many black holes.
They named road after george floyd it was a dead end though
What do you get when you cross a German and a Mexican? A “BeanerSchnitzel”!
Two chinamen walk into a bar. The landlord says, "Why the same face?"
What does BLM stand for?? Biden loves millennials
BLM British Lives Matter
Why can black people post offensive jokes about making fun of white people, but white people can't post offensive jokes about making fun of black people? Because white people have white privilege. Does it cycle?
These are all racist. 😂