I did a bungee jump for charity recently. It was called "spastics on elastics."
If a special ed kid is late to class, is it okay to call me a little tardy?
⚠️I’m not racist it’s just a joke⚠️
What do you call four black ppl in a sleeping bag?
A Kit Kat
The word "ginger" is just the n-word reorganized.
If a midget with down syndrome shows up late for work, is it okay to say she's a little tardy?
What do you call a retard with a boner? A slowpoke.
What do you call a walkie-talkie for retards? -- A stumblie-mumblie.
What do you call a German lesbian?
A krautmuncher.
Nevermind, it's retarded.
What did the little boy say to the fat man?
How many Japs did you get?
What do you call a midget with autism?
A weetard.
What do you call a kid with Down syndrome who plays basketball?
A guy sits at a bar in a skyscraper restaurant high above the city. He slams a shot of tequila, goes over to the window and jumps out.
The guy sitting next to him can’t believe what he just saw. He’s more surprised when, 10 minutes later, the same guy walks back into the bar and sits down next to him.
The astonished onlooker asks, “How did you do that? I just saw you jump out the window, and we’re hundreds of feet above the ground!”
The jumper responds by slurring, “Well, I don’t get it either. I slam a shot of tequila, and when I jump out the window, the tequila makes me slow down right before I hit the ground. Watch.” He takes a shot, goes to the window and jumps out.
The other guy runs to the window and watches as the guy falls to just above the sidewalk, slows down and lands softly on his feet. A few minutes later, the jumper walks back into the bar.
The other guy has to try it, too, so he orders a shot of tequila. He slams it and jumps out the window. As he reaches the bottom, he doesn’t slow down at all. SPLAT!
The first guy orders another shot of tequila. The bartender shakes his head. “You’re really an a**hole when you’re drunk, Superman.”
I woke up one night and it was really dark in my room. Then my TV started to float out the window. I said, "Drop it, nig-"
What do you call a gay drive-by? A fruit roll-up.
Why did the pirate kids ride the short bus to school?
Because they were retarrrrrrrrrded.
What is the definition of African-American Vienna sausages?
cocks of African-American men
What part of a vegetable can you not eat?
The wheelchair.
What do you call a bunch of Paki's jumping off a cliff?
Chocolate drops.
A mathematician stumbles home drunk at 3 a.m., and his wife is livid. "You swore that you'd be home by 11:45!"
"No," slurs the mathematician, "I said I'd be home by a quarter of 12."