What do you call a pregnant slave? Buy one get one free.
What do bicycles and slaves have in common? They both use chains to work.
I asked my North Korean friend, "what's it like to live in North Korea?" He responded, "can't complain."
Q: Do you know why black people have nightmares?
A: Because we shot the last one who had a dream.
What's the difference between a feminist and Kim Jong Un?
Kim Jong Un has rights.
💡 idea. Start a confidential organization that only recruits via invite. Stockpile heavy duty weapons in an si when the time comes we can defend America from any domestic threat. *just a silly idea*
In communist Russia there is no discrimination. White, black, African, American, British and Asian. They all go to Gulag eventually.
I would make a rape joke, but I'd have to force it down your throat.
How is slavery different from Pokémon?
There are different types of Pokémon.
Slavery is like Pokémon, you gotta catch them all.
Why do black men have nightmares?
Because the only one that had a dream got shot.
Old soviet joke.
"Who is your mother?" "Our great Soviet country." "Who is your father?" "Our dear comrade Stalin." "What's your greatest desire?" "Becoming an orphan."
Here is a jacket for my favorite Jew.
It says, "271032."
What does a pregnant slave and a payless sale have in common?
Buy one, get one free.
Why did the slave go to college?
To get his master's degree.
What's the same with shoes and slaves?
When they get loose, you tie them up.
Slavery and discipline, it's kind of the same thing. You get whipped for doing the wrong thing.
What do you call a pregnant slave? A two for one deal.
Why was the slave so happy? Because he got his master's degree.
Women be like if men are gone, Earth would be a better place, (forgetting) women help to create war, weapons, animal and human cruelty, and have helped to enforce laws that oppress them.
"Welcome to the gulag."