BLM British Lives Matter.
BLM Bisexual Lust Matters.
What does BLM stand for?
Bisexual Lives Matter.
Biden Loves Bisexuality.
modern feminism.
What's the difference between a feminist and Kim Jong Un?
Kim Jong Un has rights.
what does BLM stand for?
Biden loves minors.
Got a job at the library yesterday... It lasted fifteen minutes... Turns out books about women's rights don't belong in the fiction section.
Who is the man behind all lives matter?
Michael Jackson.
Why did the feminist kill herself?
Because she was TRIGGERED.
Hi, I was a feminist until I realised that:
A. Feminism is just a pile of dumb shit.
B. That men are actually treated unequally.
we should all say sorry to the boys for pissing them off.
Why couldn’t people use the George Floyd action figure? Because it was vacuum sealed.
Sticks and stones may break my bones, but there will always be something that offends feminists.
Feminists think men hate them. MEN HATE FEMINIST KARENS. We already have equal rights. It wasn't always like that, but that was in the past. So, fuck feminists.
(Like if you hate feminists.)
Man, I love this joke: Women's rights.
Why can black people post offensive jokes about making fun of white people, but white people can't post offensive jokes about making fun of black people? Because white people have white privilege. Does it cycle?
LGBTQ = LeBron giving back to qommunities (communities).
What type of tea does the Social Justice Warrior avoid?
Nothing is free in this world, including "Free Palestine."