What do you call a smart pig?
A Swinestein.
What's the difference between a pig and a police officer?
The pig smells better.
Where did the pig go on holiday?
Snout and about.
I went to a butcher house with my little cousin and saw a baby pig and told her, "Look, it's Pepa Pig!"
She started crying.
Conspiracy Theorists: Technoblade is still alive!
Me: Pigs live between 15 and 20 years!
Fans: 😭😭😭
What’s the difference between an emo kid and a dead pig?
Suicide squad.
Teacher: What does a cow say?
Susie: Moo.
Teacher: Good. Now what does a duck say?
Jimmy: The duck goes quack.
Teacher: Now what does a pig say?
Little Jonny: A pig says, "Get up against the wall, you black motherfucker!"
You're so ugly, when a pig saw you, it thought that you were their family member.
What do you call a group of cops having a sleep over?
Pigs in a blanket.