
Pork Jokes

The real dead hooked joke is on all of us from the Fraser Valley in BC, you know damn well each and everyone of us ate that Pickton hooker Pork. Concidering it stretching from the 80's-2000's pretty sure he got 4 generations of Valley folk with that Pickton Pork.

what does a chicken give you Student: meat What does a pig give you Student: bacon What does a fat cow give you Student: homework

Why aren't there any stray cats in china town?

There are but they're they're just listed as "pork" on the menus

You're so short, when you were born, the doctor couldn't tell if you were a boy, a girl, or a Jimmy Dean pork sausage.

Tonight I'll be eating freshly- grown pork cutlets with a fresh juicy amount of Poke balls.Do you get what I am trying to poke out?

Bitch i can make orange rhyme with banana. BORNANA. Eating pork rinds sword fightin in pajamas. At the crib playin fortnite with your grandma.