Joe Biden

Joe Biden Jokes

I, for one, give President Joe Biden my full support, and anything else he can find in my previously rented gym locker. 🤣

One day a man dies and goes to heaven. He gets there and sees a bunch of clocks. He asks Jesus, "Hey what are the clocks for?" Jesus replies, "They move every time you sin." "This is Mother Teresa's, It has not moved so she has not sinned." "This one is Abraham Lincoln's, It has moved twice so he sinned twice." "The man asks, Where is Joe Biden's?" Jesus replies, "It's in my office- I'm using it as a ceiling fan."

Imagine if Joe Biden was elected for a second term. He would be the first president to be assassinated by a slick bathtub

I can’t take credit for this joke it’s not mine. Remember that time joe Biden fell off his bike? He said it’s not his fault he blamed the tires for being too inflated

What do you call the United States of America under a Joe Biden presidency? Answer: The Democratic People’s Socialist States of America. We're still America, just a different kind of America. And that’s no joke. 😔


a man dies and goes to heaven he sees a bunch of clocks and asks Jesus what they are for, he replied they are gauges, and that they move when people lie. he said that mother Teresa's has moved twice, Abraham Lincon's once, and George Washington's never. the man asks to see the current president's, and Jesus just laughs and says that Joe Bidden's is the one keeping the hurricane's to speed