Her Jokes

Why did the sexy 12 year old girl with cerebral palsy get raped? Because her parents didnā€™t have the decency to drown her at birth.

My ex was an orphan as a child.

I should have taken that as the first sign.

If her parents didnā€™t want her, why would I?

My friend was feeling low today, so I went up to her and said, "You know, I would hang in there if I was you, swaying through life." I don't think she likes me now.

I was at work and then a little kid came up to me and she said ā€œwhat happened to all the parents?ā€ She sounded so confused so i told her ā€œits only yours kid, they left you on purposeā€ she cried i felt bad for a second and the thought oh well time to back to my job at the orphanage

Your mum is so fat, when I was driving I had to swerve to avoid [her]. By the time I had finished, I had ran out of gas.

Me: "WYD?"

Her: "Just dealing with a lot: depression, anxiety, and the feeling that I'll never be enough."

Me: "Without me? Lol"