
Money Jokes

I lost my job at the bank on my very first day. -- A woman asked me to check her balance, so I pushed her over.

What does a politician and a minister have in common? both of them will tell you anything to get money from you

If I had a dollar for every girl that found me unattractive, they would eventually find me attractive.

What is the difference between giving money to a prostitute and giving money to a church? A prostitute won't tell you that it is more blessed to give than it is to receive.

A thief walks up to a man in a suit and pulls out a gun. The Thief says: "Give me your money." The man in the suit turns around surprised. He raises his hands and says: "But, wait! You can't do that, I am a Congressman!" The thief replies: "Oh, sorry. Give me MY money."


What's the difference between a amateur thief and a professional thief?

The amateur thief says, "Give me all your money!" The professional thief says, "Sign here please."


What is the difference between giving money to a church and giving money to the IRS? If you stop giving money to a church you won't go to prison

What is the difference between giving money to a prostitute and giving money to a church? You don't get something in return if you give money to a church.

Today I learned humans eat more bananas than monkeys. -- I can't remember the last time I ate a monkey.


A teacher asked his students a math question.

"You have one dollar. Your parents give you five dollars. How much money do you have?"

After some thinking, about half the class raised their hands. The teacher called on a little girl in the front.

"One dollar!" she said.

Maria went home happy, telling her mother about how she earned $20 by climbing a tree. Her mom responded, "Maria, they just wanted to see your panties!" Maria replied, "See Mom, I was smart, I took them off!"