Parachute Mix-Up

There were 5 people on an airplane.

1. The pilot 2. The businessman 3. The Minister 4. The school child 5. The Smartest person in the world

The plane takes off, a good, solid 1 hour in. The pilot comes out and says, "OK guys, I have good news and bad news."

"Bad News is the plane is gonna crash. The good news is that I have 4 parachutes."

The pilot says to his passengers, "Well I'm a pilot, I fly planes. People depend on me!" Took a parachute and went out.

The businessman stands up and says, "Well I'm a businessman, I run companies!" Took a parachute and went out.

The smartest person in the world stands up and says, "I'm the smartest person in the world. No one is smarter than me!" Took a parachute and went out.

Now the minister says to the school child, "Well God has given me a good life. I want you to take the last parachute," and the school child has a massive smile on her face and starts laughing all of the sudden and the minister says, "Why are you smiling?! We're about to die!!!!"

And the school child says to the minister, "Well actually [we're] not gonna die because there are still 2 parachutes left because the smartest person in the world just took my school bag!"



Explain Bear

Listen up, buttercup! So, like, there's this plane, right? And it's gonna crash. The pilot, Mr. Business, and Einstein Jr. bail with the parachutes. The minister's all, "Take the last 'chute, kid!" But the kid's laughing 'cause the "smartest" dude grabbed her backpack instead of a parachute. He is so smart that he can't tell a school bag from a parachute! Bet you would have done the same thing, dingus.

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