
Guy Jokes

A gay guy and a trucker get in a car crash

The gay guy says "somebody call the police! This man just rammed into me!" . The trucker says "what the fuck did you just say fucker? Get over here I'm gonna wreck your ass!" . The gay man then says "it's okay everybody don't call he police! He wants to negotiate"

Me: *posts random joke about a duck*

That one guy in the comment section for no reason: Shut the f*uck up you dumb b*tch you are a piece of sh*t you...

That other guy in the comment section: that’s actually offensive to ducks

Bro it’s a joke....

Brrr it's fucking cold outside aye? What do you guys want for Christmas? A sweet video game? Maybe a cool action figure? Oh how about the latest phone! Who me? Oh I guess... I wish snow could melt as fast as the snowflakes that downvote good jokes! Merry Christmas ya filthy animals!

Have you ever wondered why you never see a gay guy in a wheelchair

It’s hard to become a vegetable when you’re already a fruit

I called my guy friend a cock-sucker the other day, he replied with, "Hey, 20 bucks is 20 bucks."