why does aaron eat burgers on a wednesday? because his spine is bent and his favourite gun in apex legends is the g7 scout and he uses the speedy spanish man
George when I saw ur face I had to shoot u with a nerf gun, I you died wimp.
A man shot into a crowd at the train station and didn't hit one person, when the police asked why he missed, someone said cause he gay.
He couldn't shoot straight
Australian says to American: why do you have such bad gun laws? American: Self defense. Australian: Self defense against 50 innocent children?
i heard guns kill people, so i gave up my right to own one.
Then i heard dicks rape people, so i chopped it off.
Every body loves guns! Everytime I show them mine, they give me free stuff.
I bought a silencer for my gun, but I don't think it works. My victims still scream.
Why are school shootings branded “very American”?
1. They usually happen in the usa 2. They’re like the forth of July: there’s a lot of loud banging and kids screaming
The school shooter points the gun at the emo kid while the shooter tries to shoot him the emo kid dodges the bullets like the matrix and takes the gun away from the shooter and shoots him self.
Ahhhhh shit IT’S HUNTING SEASON y’all
One day, little Johnny was playing with his toys and looked out the window. He saw the neighbor's kid laying face-first in the grass. Not breathing. Little Johnny continued to shoot his nerf gun at the neighbor's big booty cheeks. No movement at all. After little johnny went to get a snack, he looked out the window again and the kid was gone. Little Johnny went to the neighbors and said, "I'm sorry to hear that your child has gone missing."
What was one cool thing about hitler
he used to paint his thoughts on the wall with a gun
Why doesn't the gun and orphan have in common? The gun is actually useful.
The kid with a gun walked into my class room and fucking shot the teacher. He pointed the gun at me and asked,
"What's 2+2?" I answer him and he writes the answer down on his test. He did this with every kid. He got a 100%, expelled, and a lifetime in prison. Hey at least he gets free food.
little Johnny likes to play with toy guns little Johnny paints them black little Johnny went to a gun store little johnny made a big mess the cemitary people were getting paid.
What takes knowledge to do and also takes knowledge away? Looking down the barrel and pulling the trigger😂
What is the difference between jesus and the devil? When the devil came to earth he was the one with the nail gun.
what's the difference between 8 and 9? when you have the 9, everyone wants to be your friend
What does a bad friend give a blind kid for his birthday?
Give him a gun and tell him it's a hairdryer.
Gather 6 friends to play Russian roulette and one's mind will be blown away.