
Gonna Jokes

I was gonna say when you were born your mum saw you and screamed but I remembered you were adopted...

My friend asked me if I wanted to hang out by the tree later? I said yea I was gonna hang there

Why should you abuse the hell out of an orphan? Because what are they gonna do? Tell their mom or dad?

When a asteroid is coming to kill us all: 98.9% of the population: OMG WERE ALL GONNA DIE 1% of the population: eh.. I neber had any friends anyway. Alia: ROLL THE INTRO

What's the same between a pregnant 14 year old and her fetus? They're both saying "Oh my god my mom's gonna kill me!"


Today i find out that my cat got hit by a car accident, wellp i guess im gonna play ninja fruits on my hands again, Its not like anyone will notice.

What do you come a dog with no legs? It don't matter what you it, cause it ain't gonna come to you.