🦄 Entity

I like Unicorns🦄, Anime🌌 and the Stars⭐. I'm German🇩🇪, comin from Earth🌍 and otherwise my identity remains a secret...🕳️ ≈Position from here: 52° 7' 32'' N, 1° 42' 12'' W
Registered on · 32 followers · Last active 1 year ago

🎆 New Year's Eve

Lil Johnny👦: "Every year the same, people always have to start banging before midnight!"

Mom👱🏻‍♀️: "Johnny, would you please leave the bedroom now?"

Dad👨🏻‍🦰: "Son, if you don't leave, it'll bang on your head!"

Which book takes an extreme turn and has an incredible plot twist?

- The math book. Suddenly letters appear in the calculations...

When you when, the when at, when with you know, the you, you, that you ever, when... you dont know whats going on.

A cartoon drawing of a figure with light grey hair, a blue and white dress, and a tail. The figure has a simple, almost childlike design.

A vampire goes to the bakery.

Vampire: "One bun, please."

Baker: "But you're a vampire, don't you need blood?"

Vampire: "Yes, there is an accident outside and I need something to dip."

What does a foreigner say when he comes to America?

I don't know, I don't speak foreignish...