A man who thinks he's funny but is actually a transvestite/transformer.
I would say something funny, but I would have to dig someone up.
Knock knock.
Who's there?
Pizza who?
Never mind, it was so cheesy.
It’s disappointing that Los Angeles doesn’t offer better transportation, especially since my neighbor offers free mustache rides every night.
Dad: Come on, David, go dress up like a girl.
David: Isn't that illegal?
Dad: Nah, it isn't illegal if you keep the buttons in.
David: I hate my life.
I told my dad, "I just thought of something funny." He said, "Your face?"
At gym class today, my friend made this song:
🎵 I’m a Barbie girl, I am fantastic, my boobs are plastic!
Interviewer: Hey JFK, what’s your favorite song by Jessie J?
JFK: I er ah Bang Bang.
When a girl was having an asthma attack, Ariana said, "Just keep breathing and breathing and breathin!!!!!"
Knock knock.
Who’s there?
Orange who?
Orange you going to the movies tonight?
What's a priest's favorite fruit?
Yo mama so fat, when she put on a yellow raincoat people see her and yell "Hey yo, taxi!"
"I hope my death would make more sense than my life."- Joker
I kicked a soccer ball at a kid in a wheelchair and said, "Rocket League!"
It's funny dating someone smarter than you. My girlfriend knows how to push my buttons but never takes into account what a dick I can be if need be. Let me explain. Say, for example, she calls me retarded, I remind her that she's dating me.
I was riding ya mom... LIKE SHE’S MARIO KART!
What's the difference between a cop car and a hedgehog?
With a cop car, all the pricks are on the inside.
Sad to think about legend O.G. Mudbone being no longer with us.
I’m only curious how they closed his casket.
Don’t stop orphan jokes. They’re funny, and people are just mad that they don’t understand the jokes because they're too STUUUPID.
We spend the weekend getting the poop out!