
Fucking Jokes

A priest and Rabbi run out of the orphanage

Priest: How the hell did that fire start Rabbi: I don't know but what about the children? Priest: Fuck the children Rabbi: Do we have time? Priest: There's always time for something like that.

What's the difference between a cop car and a hedgehog?

With a cop car all the pricks are on the inside.

(Thanks to lostin Flowers cause this one is fucking funny)

Q:what’s the hardest thing about fucking a dude with a dildo A:making sure he doesn’t wake up


the reason why I stopped eating salads was not to be unhealthy it was so I don't need to eat the wheelchairs along with all those fucking vegetables.


*God creates dog* God: "You are man's best friend"

Dog: "That's pretty sexist"

God: "No, man as in- You know what, FUCK IT! You can't speak"

Dog: "....."

God: "And chocolate kills you!"

Dog: "🐶"

egg shaped, dome, bowling ball lookin ass, bald fuck with that 360 degrees ahh head, mf look like a damn balloon. call me kobe cause im finna use your head as a basketball and throw it at yo parents. mr clean, bootleg saitama lookin ass mfer. no hair? :(

tell the person next to spell "me". When they do, say, "you forgot the D". They should respond with, "There is no D in ME." You say, "not yet". if this does not go as planned, well, then you are fucked for life.

What’s the best part of fucking noors vulva (btw noor is black) If my dick is right beside maras vulva (btw maras white and so am I)

I yo yo-yo yo-yo yo-yo, yo-yo yo-yo you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you ha Frick fuck gosh dang you’re so big that you can’t ride. This is Builder.

you ever look back at your ex and are like 'wow! what was i think?' then i start to think i was the problem :( just kidding fuck that asshole

A Chinese guy said to his friend : I saw you fucking your donkey, yesterday.

His friend : No , that's impossible , it's too hot inside.