How do you make a pink Smurf?
You peel the skin off.
Boy 1: "Sonic is a fictional character."
Boy 2: "Yeah, just like your dad."
What do trans men and Pinocchio have in common?
Both are lying when they say, "I'm a real boy."
What's the difference between Harry Potter and Anne Frank?
Harry made it out of the chamber.
Sex dolls are alive in the Toy Story universe.
What do you call a zombie?
Nothing because zombies aren’t real, and if they were, you would be dead.
Chuck Norris heard that nothing in the world could kill him.
So he tracked down nothing in the world and killed it.
I don’t get why Katniss was bitching so much in ‘The Hunger Games’ books. Ethiopia has been competing for years and I don’t hear any of them complaining.
What's a reversed exorcism?
It's when it's the demon who's telling the priest to get out of the child's body.
Guys, don’t put the Holocaust books in the fiction section, it was the worst mistake of my life!
There once was a boy named Sammy who loved this girl beyond belief. Her name was Rayne, but she didn’t notice him and or talk to him, but one day she did and they ended up liking each other and getting married and living happily... wait, no, that’s not right.
Sammy actually snuck into Rayne’s house one day and kidnapped her and locked her in his basement and made her into a puppet so he could keep her forever and ever. The End.
They put the woman's rights in the fantasy section in the library.
What happens to Mary Poppins when the wind dies down?
*Mary Poppins seen falling in background*
People shouldn’t be afraid during a zombie apocalypse.
They can stay in their living room.
Snow White and the six Dwarfs, Sneezy was caught by covid-19 quarantine!