Why do prostitutes love servicing zombies? They always leave a tip.
I went trick or treating this year with friends. Good thing I dressed as a zombie ....... no one could tell that it was their blood
What was Frankenstein's second job? -- He was a bodybuilder.
What game do zombies 🧟‍♀️ like to play?
Corpse and Robbers
I’m telling my kids that in 2020 I survived world war 3, the zombie apocalypse, the invasion of the murder hornets, and the second American revolution
What’s the difference between a retard and a zombie? Nothing much, they both dribble, moan, are hungry, walk weirdly, and it takes a bullet in the head to put them both down.
What does a dyslexic zombie eat? Brian’s hahahahaha
What's the difference between a wizard who raises the undead and a sexy vampire? One is a necromancer and the other is a neck romancer.
Whats a cannibal's favourite drink? A Bloody mary
What do vegetarian zombies eat? -- Graaaaiins.
What do you call a Mexican in the zombie apocalypse?
Answer: "sweet and spicy chicken."
What do you call a zombie?
Nothing because zombies aren’t real and if they were you would be dead.
if there a zombie you would not die bc u have no brain
People shouldn’t be afraid during a zombie apocalypse. They can stay in their living room.
I killed 5 zombies and stabbed a vampire with a steak and then I started to wonder why they were carrying bags of candy.
Yo barber fucked up so bad he pulled out a plants vs zombies map and that shii fit perfectly
What hood do zombies come from? Dead Ends
7 year old Christian: *walks up to atheist menacingly* YoU nEeD sOmE jEsUs SaViNg! Atheist: you prey to a Jewish zombie and I need saving?
What is the difference between a retard and a zombie anyway?
They’re always hungry and shuffle around aimlessly, moaning...Oh, and it takes a bullet in the forehead to put them both down.
why cant juice wlrd play call of duty zombies
because he cant handle all six perks