What game do zombies like to play?
Corpse and Robbers.
What game do zombies like to play?
Corpse and Robbers.
What is the difference between a retard and a zombie anyway?
They’re always hungry and shuffle around aimlessly, moaning... Oh, and it takes a bullet in the forehead to put them both down.
What’s the difference between a retard and a zombie? Nothing much, they both dribble, moan, are hungry, walk weirdly, and it takes a bullet in the head to put them both down.
What do vegetarian zombies eat?
What do you call a zombie?
Nothing because zombies aren’t real, and if they were, you would be dead.
People shouldn’t be afraid during a zombie apocalypse.
They can stay in their living room.
7 year old Christian: *walks up to atheist menacingly* YoU nEeD sOmE jEsUs SaViNg!
Atheist: You prey to a Jewish zombie and I need saving?
Why can't Juice WRLD play Call of Duty zombies?
Because he can't handle all six perks.