Instead of Edward scissor hands I’m Edwardscissor wrists
Why does peter pan always fly because he NeverLands
i had a dream about the whole ocean was filled with orange soda
turns out it was a fanta sea
Don't you just want to go on a mass murder while listening to goodbye Moonman. Oh just me... OK
If hay is for horses, what is for unicorns? Haaaaaaay
How did Harry Potter get down the hill? Running, JK rolling!
is it just me or you kids have imaginations
what's the most unrealistic part of harry potter??????...
a ginger with friends
Why do mermaids wear seashells? They are too big for “B” shells, and too small for “D” shells.
What's the difference between a wizard who raises the undead and a sexy vampire? One is a necromancer and the other is a neck romancer.
sex dolls are alive in the Toy Story universe
If A wizard gets robbed by a muggle, has he been MUGGLED?????
they put the woman's rights in the fantasy section in the library
one time in my dream i had a dream that all people in wheelchair could walk it was awesome i could walk
This is why orphans are dangerous with cardboard. They either start eating it or making into a house and halucinating that they have a family.
So I threw out the cardboard and said "You have to stay in reality. Fantasies arent real. You cant and will never get a home"
Next day they make cardboard parents so i threw that away and said "May attention to reality, you will never get parents:
Next day they start acting like parents and tell me what to do. Again I said "Snap to reality. You will never be a parent" The orphan responded with "Oh really?! How so" I just simply said "You don't have a house and parents. You literally like eating cardboard and then you make parents out of it. You like to eat out old people!"
I had a dream of swimming in an ocean of orange soda guess it is just a FANTAsea.
What if Game-of-thrones and Harry-Potter -Antagonism had a child? Coldemort!