
Felt Jokes

how did the skeleton know it was ganna rain. If you said he felt it in his bones, your wrong he watched the weather forcast.

You know, you should adopt a pet. So then you can feel the pain that your parents felt when they adopted you... wait... also the regret after.

I masturbated by accident. I read the wrong thing And tested it's factuality-

Well it's been some good years now Haven't they? Being your own partner has never felt so together.

I felt bad for the orphan because he couldn't go on a fiend trip u know why Parent signature:_________

They told me Avengers: Endgame was going to be 3 hours long, but honestly? I felt like it was over in a SNAP....

So a women was paranoid so she had a dog to check to see if anything was wrong. She would always stick her hand under the bed and if the dog licked her hand then she was safe.One night just before bed she stuck her hand under the bed. She felt a lick so she went to bed. She in the middle of the night needed to go to the bathroom. So she walked into the bathroom and on the window it said: HUMANS CAN LICK TOO! Then she was murdered.


I saw a pretty girl walking outside. I asked for her number. We met up and began to have sex. She told me to turn over which was weird. I felt a stinging pain in my ass all of a sudden

So at school there are these twins at my school so I folded two paper airplanes to throw at them once I realized I why it felt so wrong to do it I had already threw them I hit the north then the south one.

One time, I bought a magnet, my wife asked why I bought it. I said I couldn't help myself, I felt attracted to it.

I felt bad for a dog and u look yo my left and the was a orthin and I said I will make you a web site and I said there won't me a homepage